Most people think that editing a video is all about adding fancy transitions, filters, and special effects. Nevertheless, making impressive video content is much more complicated than it’s commonly considered. Usually, it implies using advanced knowledge of video editing, wide knowledge of current trends, and, of course, a deep understanding of how to make an interesting yet engaging story.
By far the most challenging scope for any content maker is to create a catching travel video. While it’s fairly easy to make some nice shots and video cuts, putting these together into a single story can be hard even for experienced video editors.
Knowing that we’ve asked some of the professional content makers and video editing experts to share the best tips for editing the travel videos they commonly use in practice.
Best Practices on How Easily Edit the Traveling Videos
Before you start creating any video, it’s always good to search for the useful hacks that can help you during the editing process, for instance, speed up or improve the final outcome. Below you’ll find some of the most popular tips which are traditionally used in creating travel videos of any sort and for any purpose.
#1 Create Your Story
To edit video properly, it’s essential to start the process by creating the story you want to show in it. For traveling topics, probably the easiest approach to storytelling is to make a video covering a certain place or time, like “Summer 2022 Vacation” or “Family Trip to Venice”. Also, you should consider the way you sequence shots together: chronologically, geographically or just randomly selecting the best (or funniest) cuts from the entire trip.
#2 Make Use of Video Editors
One of the most important secrets of a good video is choosing the right video editing software. It should cover the key features like trimming, adding music and filters, as well as provide some pro-tools, such as adding subtitles, video and sound effects, transitions, and many more. The descent examples we recommend considering are Shotcut, Lightworks, FXhome, Movavi video editor, and many others.
#3 Combine Shots with Different Angles
To make your traveling video more professional-like, try to combine the shots with different angles and areas. Ideally, this tip should be implemented in the initial stage of capturing the video cuts, but it becomes even more important while editing, as it can help to make your video more engaging and “live”.
#4 Hold the Video Steady
If you want to make your video more professional-like, even the slightest details like video stabilization matter. Though it’s not always possible to keep the camera steady, the first-class video editing software can help you make the picture more stabilized with the specific features implemented. As a result, you’ll get an excellent static picture that can grab the attention of your audience.
#5 Add Filters
Another important thing that puts all the cuts together is the use of filters! Whether it’s a simple family video or professional film, it’s always good to keep one color style for the entire video. This way you can make the transitions between cuts more smooth, even if they have different color focus, shooting angles, etc.
#6 More About the Place, Less of Yourself
Traveling video traditionally uncovers the local things like foods, landmarks, and places to visit and stay (unless you’ve decided to share your adventures specifically). So, when editing this sort of video, it’s better to focus on the destination place, and surroundings, not yourself.
#7 Mind the Final Length
Depending on the scope of use, it’s also important to figure out the length of your travel video. Basically, you’re not limited with the time unless you’re planning to share it on social platforms, video streaming sites, or other related purposes. However, by considering the durability of your video beforehand, you can significantly reduce the time for editing.
#8 Edit & Cut Video to the Song’s Tempo
Audio is also an essential aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked in traveling videos, as it helps to enhance engagement and better introduce the story of your video. That is why adding background music can make your video more catchy and, if you stick the transitions specifically to the song’s tempo – no one will ever think it was done by an amateur!
#9 Consider Using Visual & Sound Effects
If you still want to add extra something to your traveling video, you can always play around with visual and sound effects. Of course, you probably won’t be able to implement the Hollywood effects, but it might come in handy in some extraordinary situations, like when you failed to jump into the car through the window like the duke boys or were talking to locals in Chinese or Spanish, etc.
#10 Review The Final Outcome & Make Improvements
Without a doubt, everyone’s heard the popular phrase “Practice makes perfect” at least once in their life. In the case of video editing, this rule can significantly enhance the quality of your final video as well!
Once your video is ready to be shared, it’s always useful to have some rest after the video editing and review it completely after a while. This way you can better assess the result, as well as get some fresh ideas on what should be improved and how.
To conclude, there are many different video-making secrets that can come in handy when creating travel videos. From selecting the right editing software and using the best hacks to considering a story you want to show with the video – all these practices can significantly enhance the editing process and help to get your masterpiece finished in times faster.
We wish you good luck in this matter and hope our guide helped you to master.
Alex Grey